A world-leading German producer of snuff boasting a long tradition in the production of cut tobacco, Poeschl has always distinguished itself for the quality of its blends and the characteristic aroma of its tobaccos.
More than 950 people work at the company’s premises, which generated a turnover of €650 million in 2021. In Italy, Poeschl's flagship product is Pueblo, the first additive-free tobacco to be introduced in Italy and currently the second best-selling product in Italy. A resounding success for a family-run business that competes on a par with the largest multinationals in the sector.
Italy's success is accompanied by a global vision for a company which has for more than 112 years been regarded as an innovator and exporter of new products to over 100 countries (France, Austria, England, Italy, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Belgium and Luxembourg first and foremost, as well as the Far East and the United States of America).
Trust and respect for over 40 years
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who cultivate relationships of trust with thousands of customers every day
all over the country. We believe in the power of human relationships, handshakes and laughs.
Ask our sales reps' assistance
Our agents represent the heart of the company and they are those
who cultivate relationships of trust with thousands of customers every day
all over the country. We believe in the power of human relationships, handshakes and laughs.
Dove lo stile si unisce all'arte.
Se pensavi di aver visto tutto... Se credevi fosse impossibile innovare... Stupisciti ed entra a far parte della Rivoluzione.
Una rete di Assistenti
I nostri agenti rappresentano il cuore dell’azienda e sono coloro che ogni giorno coltivano relazioni di fiducia con migliaia di clienti in tutto il Paese. Crediamo nel potere del rapporto umano, di una stretta di mano, di una risata.