The Compagnia Toscana Sigari is an independent company that embarked upon the production of cigars after five years dedicated to the development of the project, varietal experimentation on the field, restructuring and acquiring the necessary equipment.
The entire production process is environmentally-friendly, with constant technical support on the field, and the manufacturing plant is equipped with renewable-energy fuelled heating systems, as well as a roof-mounted photovoltaic energy production plant. The plant was recovered and refurbished, therefore without the consumption of land.
The tobacco used is Kentucky for the most part produced locally: they are varietal lines adapted to the terroir and the specific production needs of CTS. The group takes impeccable care of all stages of production: the plant, located in Trebbio, in Sansepolcro, is equipped for the reception of green tobacco, for its treatment and for all the pre-manufacturing and manufacturing phases. The cultivated fields are only a few metres or kilometres away from the manufacturing plant, and the tobacco processing is mainly manual, from harvesting to care and sorting. When tobacco from other parts of Italy is used (no foreign tobacco is used), it is selected according to strict quality criteria. Besides not coming from abroad, the tobacco used is also entirely processed in Italy: the band leaves are destemmed by hand, the filling for long filler cigars is not chopped, while for short fillers the chopping is always carried out in Italy.
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