ITAGENCY is the sole distributor in Italy of Oettinger Davidoff Group cigars, probably the most prized cigars in the world.
The Davidoff brand is synonymous with excellence and accessible pleasure, resulting from the passion and intuition of Zino Davidoff, who from a tobacconist in Geneva embarked upon a success story which has been ongoing for more than a century.
Davidoff cigars are created using the best tobacco, carefully selected by expert agronomists. Only 20% of the tobacco planted is used for Davidoff cigars, in other words only the best leaves from the entire harvest are used. The cigars must then pass the quality control before arriving in ITAGENCY’s controlled temperature warehouses, where they are stored before being shipped to the best tobacconists.
Experience the luxury and pleasure of smoking
ITAGENCY rewarded by Davidoff
The "Davidoff Best Brand Building" award emphasises the outstanding ability of ITA, among other companies, to develop and disseminate brand awareness and to operate in full compliance
with the global brand’s rules and guidelines.
Ask our sales reps' assistance
who cultivate relationships of trust with thousands of customers every day
all over the country. We believe in the power of human relationships, handshakes and laughs.
Ask our sales reps' assistance
who cultivate relationships of trust with thousands of customers every day
all over the country. We believe in the power of human relationships, handshakes and laughs.
Ask our sales reps' assistance
Our agents represent the heart of the company and they are those
who cultivate relationships of trust with thousands of customers every day
all over the country. We believe in the power of human relationships, handshakes and laughs.
Dove lo stile si unisce all'arte.
Se pensavi di aver visto tutto... Se credevi fosse impossibile innovare... Stupisciti ed entra a far parte della Rivoluzione.
Una rete di Assistenti
I nostri agenti rappresentano il cuore dell’azienda e sono coloro che ogni giorno coltivano relazioni di fiducia con migliaia di clienti in tutto il Paese. Crediamo nel potere del rapporto umano, di una stretta di mano, di una risata.