Villiger is a leading producer of cigars and cigarillos.
With a production capacity of more than one billion pieces per year and over 1,600 employees, the Villiger Group is a major player in the cigar sector.
The production plants are located in Switzerland (Pfeffikon, Lucerne), established in 1888, two sites in Germany (Waldshut-Tiengen, Baden-Württemberg and Bünde-Dünne, Nordrhein-Westfalen) and one plant in Indonesia on the island of Java (Jember/Jawa Timur).
Villiger still maintains a strong family tradition, which bears witness to the passion that has been handed down from one generation to the next for over 130 years.
ITAGENCY distributes Villiger's cigarillo lines in Italy, high quality products, also in small sizes.

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who cultivate relationships of trust with thousands of customers every day
all over the country. We believe in the power of human relationships, handshakes and laughs.