There are different types of electronic cigarettes on the market and ITAGENCY intends to offer its customers as complete a range as possible, ranging from disposable electronic cigarettes, through to pod-mods and even open systems and vaping liquids.
In 2019, ITAGENCY was selected by JUUL Labs as the sole distributor for Italy, taking the brand to more than 12,000 stores just a year after its launch. Ever since, the company has set itself the goal of expanding its new generation products, pursuing excellence in the brands distributed at all times.
In 2019, ITAGENCY was selected by JUUL Labs as the sole distributor for Italy, taking the brand to more than 12,000 stores just a year after its launch. Ever since, the company has set itself the goal of expanding its new generation products, pursuing excellence in the brands distributed at all times.
An increasingly broader choice for consumers
Electronic cigarettes
There are different types of electronic cigarettes on the market and ITAGENCY intends to offer its customers as complete a range as possible, ranging from disposable electronic cigarettes, through to pod-mods and even open systems and vaping liquids.
In 2019, ITAGENCY was selected by JUUL Labs as the sole distributor for Italy, taking the brand to more than 12,000 stores just a year after its launch. Ever since, the company has set itself the goal of expanding its new generation products, pursuing excellence in the brands distributed at all times.
In 2019, ITAGENCY was selected by JUUL Labs as the sole distributor for Italy, taking the brand to more than 12,000 stores just a year after its launch. Ever since, the company has set itself the goal of expanding its new generation products, pursuing excellence in the brands distributed at all times.
Heated tobacco
Italy is one of the first countries where products with no-combustion vaping tobacco were introduced. Unlike e-cigarettes, in this case it is not a liquid, but real tobacco, that is actually heated. The temperature is high enough to vaporise the tobacco and allow the user inhaling the vapour to absorb the active ingredient, but at the same time it is not high enough to trigger the combustion process and the resulting production of the ensuing harmful substances.
Nicotine pouches
This is a product category with a fast-growing market appeal and it is the leading method of consuming nicotine in Northern European countries, primarily Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Nicotine pouches are a modern oral product, somewhat like a descendant of the Swedish snus, which is used by placing the pouch between the lip and gums where the nicotine is slowly delivered. ITAGENCY believes in the potential of this product category, which is the only one capable of completely eliminating all forms of inhalation.
Beyond tobacco, beyond nicotine
No-one can predict which products will be the most popular in the future in this industry, but it is already clear that habits and consumption methods will change radically. Today already, companies are experimenting with the use of herbs as alternatives to tobacco, or are launching nicotine-free products. The only thing that is certain is that the future will be full of opportunities and that ITAGENCY will always be ready to seize them.
Serietà, determinazione ed impegno guidano una crescita costante e inarrestabile
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Una gamma completa di prodotti
La passione per il tabacco risiede nel DNA di ITAGENCY e sta alla base della fondazione di questa azienda. All’interno del nostro catalogo annoveriamo marchi apprezzati da migliaia di consumatori in tutto il mondo, tra cui Pueblo, Mac Baren, Arnold Andrè, Dannemann e molti altri.
Prodotti di nuova generazione
ITAGENCY è attiva da anni nella ricerca, selezione e introduzione nel mercato di prodotti di nuova generazione, per soddisfare le esigenze dei consumatori moderni e ampliare l’offerta commerciale per i tabaccai italiani.
Prodotti commerciali e fast moving consumer goods
L’offerta di prodotti delle tabaccherie italiane è vasta e fortemente diversificata. ITAGENCY copre con il proprio catalogo la maggior parte delle categorie merceologiche tipicamente presenti nei punti vendita offrendo un’ampia gamma di accendini, smoking items, accessori per fumatori di sigari, pelletteria e prodotti di largo consumo.
Alcuni numeri del gruppo ITA
Collaboratori professionisti nel settore
raggiunte dai nostri partner
raggiunte dai nostri partner
Market Penetration nel business delle cartine per tabacco
Sul mercato dei sigaretti in Italia
Del mercato RYO in Italia
Dei tabacchi da fiuto
Dei tabacchi da pipa in Italia
Market Share
Con passione ed impegno, abbiamo trasformato il nostro gruppo nella più sorprendente realtà nel business dei prodotti per tabaccherie
Scarica il Company Profile
I nostri risultati dimostrano che affidabilità, determinazioneed impegno possono trasformare l'idea di un gruppo di imprenditori nell'azienda più interessante nel settore delle tabaccherie.
Diventa Partner
Strategie di innovazione, servizio e attenzione al rapporto umano, ci rendono il partner ideale di chi vuole percorrere con noi la strada per il successo.
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