The origins of La Aurora date back to 1903 in the community of Don Pedro, Guazumal, Tamboril, where Don Eduardo Leon Jimenez founded his cigar factory. The company started up its business operations with a modest investment, but also with a rather ambitious goal: to produce a world-class product.
La Aurora today is a symbol for the Dominican Republic, a leader in the production of cigars, hand-made and of outstanding quality, which can be found in 64 countries around the world, while maintaining a family tradition, belonging to the third generation of the historic family, which sees Guillermo León Herbert, from the third generation of the historic family, as the company Chairman and current owner.The province of Santiago de Los Caballeros – where La Aurora headquarters are situated – retains the name of the "Cigar Capital of the World", where the company has contributed to the development of the highest quality tobacco industry and cultivation.
The Dominican aroma and flavour have been accredited with international prestige and the Aurora is ranked among the best cigar brands in the world.
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