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The brand of lighters with an Italian heart

Lo stile nelle tue mani!

CIAO is the brand of smoking accessories designed and distributed by ITAGENCY for almost 20 years now. Throughout its history, the brand has proven popular among tobacconists and consumers due to its high quality materials, attention to detail and creative style. 


CIAO products, especially the lighter lines, are enhanced by a wide variety of creative and colourful graphics, making them even more visible in the store and even more appreciated by Italian smokers, among others. 
CIAO lighters comply with the most stringent regulations in the industry. Indeed, every lighter bears the ISO 9994 certification, according to which, among other things, the flame must not exceed 12 cm in height, the lighter must resist impact, it must maintain the internal pressure of the gas and it must withstand temperatures of up to 50°. 

Discover CIAO Collections

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Our agents represent the heart of the company and they are those
who cultivate relationships of trust with thousands of customers every day
all over the country. We believe in the power of human relationships, handshakes and laughs.

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mln pz. venduti
mln pz. venduti

Dove lo stile si unisce all'arte.

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Una rete di Assistenti

I nostri agenti rappresentano il cuore dell’azienda e sono coloro che ogni giorno coltivano relazioni di fiducia con migliaia di clienti in tutto il Paese. Crediamo nel potere del rapporto umano, di una stretta di mano, di una risata.