Asset Publisher
22 May 2024
The solution to wind? Clipper Jet lighters.

Spring has finally arrived, bringing with it the first outdoor excursions: outside, the first flowers perfume the air, and the sun begins to offer warmth that we haven't felt for months, while the clouds move slowly across the sky carried by the fresh wind.
Indeed, the wind. It's precisely it that annoys the customer who enters your tobacconist's shop to tell you that they can't use the lighter outdoors.
Of course, what could be worse than being on a mountain picnic or taking a nice walk by the sea and trying to use a lighter that goes out or doesn't even light up because of the wind? Fortunately, there are Clipper Jet lighters.
A budget Clipper product despite its high quality, the Clipper Jet lighter is equipped with a windproof flame, a flame that remains steady regardless of how you decide to hold it: whether upwards, downwards, or sideways.
This feature itself will also be appreciated by cigar smokers because the windproof flame ensures a uniform ignition. Moreover, this lighter has a flame regulator that allows you to set the height of the flame itself. The only thing we advise you to remind the customer is to pay a little attention to the nozzle through which the flame comes out, as it tends to get dirty quite easily and needs to be cleaned.
No worries, though: simply blowing on it will suffice to make the lighter perform as good as new.
The Clipper Jet lighters are also refillable and therefore reusable several times. For refilling, it is important to specify that the common Clipper gas from the yellow packaging should not be used, but rather the Clipper Gas White Pure, sold in white packaging. There are three types of Clipper Jet lighters, which differ based on coloration and the presence of finishes: the basic ones of various colors, those with colored graphics, and the Clipper Jet Premium, the latter equipped with elegant finishes and more appreciated by an adult target.
Thanks to their steady flame, these lighters are extremely reliable products to use even on windy days. So, no more unhappy customers in the tobacconist's shop because of the wind, once you've recommended them a simple solution: the Clipper Jet windproof lighters!